2WD | 2 wheel drive |
A&P | Advertising & Promotion |
AAAS | American Association for the Advancement of Science |
AACSB | Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business |
AAI | Airports Authority of India |
AAUM | Average Assets Under Management |
AB | Accelerator and Beams |
ABL | Active Bixenon Lights |
ABL | Activity-Based Learning |
ABS | Automatic Braking System |
ACB | Air Circuit Breakers |
ACBSP | Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programmes |
ACC | Automatic Combustion Control |
ACC | Adaptive cruise control |
ACEPL | Academy for Counselling & Education Private Limited |
ACGIH | American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists |
ACU | Asian Clearing Union |
ADE | Aeronautical Development Establishment |
ADIA | Abu Dhabi Investment Authority |
AE | Assistant Engineer |
AF | Air Filter |
AFC | Approved For Construction |
AFD | Approved For Design |
AFEW | African Fund for Endangered Wildlife |
AFMC | Armed Force Medical College |
AFP | Approved For Planning |
AFR | Auto Frequency Regulator |
AFRA | Average Freight Rate Assesment |
Africa Fund | Action for Resisting Invasion, Colonialism and Apartheid |
AFSPA | Armed Forces Special Powers Act |
AG | Attorney General |
AGA | American Gas Association |
AGM | Annual General Meeting |
AGM | Assistant General Manager |
AGP | Asom Gana Parishad |
AGR | adjusted gross revenue |
AI | Air India |
AIASC | All India Asteroid Search Campaign |
AIBOC | All India Bank Officers Confederation |
AIC | Australia-India Council |
AICC | All India Congress Committee |
AICTE | All India Council for Technical Education |
AIE | Air India Express |
AIEEE | All India Engineering Entrance Examination |
AIESEC | Association Internationale des Étudiants en Sciences Économiques et Commerciales |
AIFF | All India Football Federation |
AIGA | Asia Industrial Gases Association |
AIIMS | All India Institute of Medical Sciences |
AIM | Asset Integrity Management |
AIMA | All India Management Association |
AIMPLB | All India Muslim Personal Law Board |
AIMS | Association of Indian Management Schools |
AIP | Air Independent Propulsion |
AIPA | Australian International Pilots Association |
AISBOF | All India State Bank Officers' Federation |
AITF | Association of Indian Teachers of French |
AIU | Association of the Indian Universities |
ALARP | as low as reasonably practical |
ALF | Alternative Law Forum |
ALI | Automobile Liability Insurance |
ALIS | Annals of Library and Information Studies |
ALR | Auto Load Regulator |
ALU | Alcatel-Lucent |
ALVW | Adjusted Loaded Vehicle Weight |
AM | Assistant Manager |
AM | Assistant Manager |
AMC | Assest Management Companies |
AMD | Advanced Micro Devices |
AMD | Advanced Micro Devices |
AMFI | Association of Mutual Funds in India |
AMI | Average Monthly Issue |
AMI | Anti Money Laundering |
AMISOM | African Union Mission in Somalia |
AMP | Average Meter Pulses |
AMS | Asset Management System |
AMU | Arab Maghreb Union |
ANES | National Solar Energy Association |
AOPV | Advance Offshore Patrol Vessel |
AOSIS | Alliance Of Small Islands States |
AP | Andhra Pradesh |
AP | Arunachal Pradesh |
APC | Advanced Process Control |
APC | Advanced Process Control |
API | application programming interface |
API | American Petroleum Institute |
APM | Administered Pricing Mechanism |
APNIC | Asia Pacific Network Information Centre |
APR | annual percentage rate |
APSI | Association of Plastic Surgeons of India |
APSRTC | Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation |
APU | Accelerated Processing Unit |
AR | Androgen Receptor |
ARB | Air Resource Board |
ARC | Annual Rate Contract |
ARC | Aviation Research Centre |
ARC | Asian Relations Conference |
ARI | Astronomical Research Institute |
ARPU | average revenue per user |
ASCE | American Society of Civil Engineers |
ASCE | American Society of Civil Engineers |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
ASER | Annual Status of Education Report |
ASHRAE | American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers |
ASI | Archaeological Survey of India |
ASL | Advanced System Laboratory |
ASU | Air Seperation Unit |
ATC | Air Traffic Control |
ATF | Aviation Turbine Fuel |
ATM | Automated Teller Machine |
ATM | At The Money |
ATS | Advanced Transport Systems |
ATV | All Terrain Vehicles |
AU | African Union |
AUC | African Union Commission |
AUM | Assets Under Management |
AUM | Assests Under Management |
AUV | Autonomous Underwater Vehicle |
AVP | Assistant Vice President |
AVR | Automatic Voltage Regulator |
AWA | Analytical Writing Assessment |
AWD | All wheel drive |
AY | Assessment Year |
B&B | Bed & Breakfast |
B.Ed | Bachelor of Education |
BAC | Basavanagudi Aquatic Centre |
BACT | Best Available Control Technology |
BACT | Best Available Control Technology |
BAHA | Bone Anchored Hearing Aid |
BAHX | brazed aluminium heat exchangers |
BANI | Ban Asbestos Network of India |
BARC | Bhabha Atomic Research Centre |
BASA | Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement |
BASE | BlackBerry Apps by Student Entrepreneurs |
BASIC | Brazil, South Africa, India and China |
BBC | British Broadcasting Corporation |
bbl | barrel |
BBMP | Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike |
BBS | Bar Bending Schedule |
BCCI | Board of Control for Cricket in India |
BCD | Basic Customs Duty |
BCGA | Binary Coded Genetic Algorithms |
BCI | Bar Council of India |
BCI | Biomass Cofiring Index |
BCIC | Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce |
BCIL | Biotech Consortium India Limited |
BCM | Billion Cubic Metres |
BCRL | Balmukund Cement & Roofing Limited |
BCT | Bar Council of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry |
BD | Business Development |
BDA | Bangalore Development Authority |
BDC | Bottom Dead Center |
BEC | Bid Evaluation Criteria |
BEE | Bureau of Energy Efficiency |
BEE | Bureau of Energy Efficiency |
BEL | Bharat Electronics Limited |
BEP | Best Efficiency Point |
BEP | Break Even Point |
BES | BlackBerry Enterprise Services |
BF | Bidding Forms |
BFDA | Brackish Water Fish Farmers Development Agencies |
BFSI | Banking, Financial Services and Insurance |
BFW | Bharat Fritz Werner |
BGML | Bharat Gold Mines Limited |
BGS | British Geological Survey |
BH | Bore Hole |
BHEL | Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited |
BHU | Banaras Hindu University |
BIC | Buddh International Circuit |
BICS | Basic Informative Communication Skills |
BIIM | Bangalore Institute of International Management |
BIT | Bearys Institute of Technology |
BITS | Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences |
BJP | Bharatiya Janata Party |
BL | Bill of Ladding |
BL | Battery Limit |
BLIS | Blind Spot Information System |
BLUG | Belux Lotus User Group |
BM | Branch Manager |
BMBD | Bio-Technology and Management of Bio-resources Division |
BMD | Ballistic Missile Defence |
BMI | Body Mass Index |
BMLTA | Bangalore Metropolitan Land Transport Authority |
BMRCL | Bangalore Metro Railway Corporation Limited |
BMRCL | Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited |
BMS | Burner Management System |
BM-SC | Broadcast and Multicast Service Centre |
BMTC | Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation |
BNES | Bangalore North Education Society |
BOC | Bristish Oxygen Company |
BOO | Build, Operate and own |
BOP | Balance Of Plant |
BOQ | Bill Of Quantities |
BPCL | Bhatat Petroleum Corporation Limited |
BPD | Barrels Per Day |
BPE | Bureau of Public Enterprises |
BPL | Below Poverty Line |
BPO | Business Process Outsourcing |
BPO | Business Process Outsourcing |
BPV | Base prover volume |
BRIC | Brazil, Russia, India and China |
BRICS | Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa |
BSCPCB | Bihar State Pollution Control Board |
BSE | Bombay Stock Exchange |
BSF | Border Security Force |
BSFC | Brake Specific Fuel Consumption |
BSFI | Billiards and Snooker Federation of India |
BSIPL | Bachi Shoes India Pvt. Ltd. |
BSLC | Bisra Stone Lime Company |
BSNL | Bhatat Sanchar Nigam Limited |
BSP | Bahujan Samaj Party |
BTIA | Broad-based Trade & Investment Agreement |
BVAAP | Bhartiya Vaigyanik evam Audyogik Anusandhan Patrika |
BVT | Block Vibration Test |
BWA | broadband wireless access |
C&F/ CFR | Cost & Freight |
CA | Chartered Accountant |
CAA | Civil Aviation Authorities |
CACA | Certified Assessment Centre Analyst |
CAD | Computer Aided Design |
CAD | Current Account Deficit |
CAE | Computer Aided Engineering |
CAGR | Compound Annual Growth Rate |
CALP | Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency |
Caltech | California Institute of Technology |
CAM | Computer Aided Manufacturing |
CAMI | Carlton Advanced Management Institute |
CAPS | Center for Air Power Studies |
CAR | Capital Adequacy Ratio |
CAR | Ceramic Autothermal Recovery |
CARB | California’s Air Resources Board |
CASA | Current Account, Savings Account |
CASA | Civil Aviation Safety Authority |
CAT | Common Admission Test |
CAT | Common Aptitude Test |
CAT | Central Administrative Tribunal |
CBDT | Central Board of Direct Taxes |
CBF-NEN | Cherie Blair Foundation -National Enterpreneurship Network |
CBFS | Carbon Black Feed Stock |
CBI | Central Bureau of Investigation |
CBM | Condition-Based Maintenance |
CBM | Condition-Based Maintenance |
CBR | California Bearing Ratio |
CBR | California Bearing Ratio |
CBR | Cauvery Basin Refinery |
CBSE | Central Board of Secondary Education |
CBT | Central Board of Trustees |
CCBM | Certified Compensation and Benefit Manager |
CCC | Car Connectivity Consortium |
CCD | charge-coupled device |
CCE | Chief Controller of Explosives |
CCE | Continuous and Comprenhensive Evaluation |
CCE | Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation |
CCI | Competition Commission of India |
CCIT | Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism |
CCMP | Climate Change Media Partnership |
CCMSS | Mexican Civil Council for Sustainable Forestry |
CCOE | Chief Controller Of Explosives |
CCP | Chineese Communist Party |
CCPP | Combined Cycle Power Plant |
CCRH | Central Council for Research in Homeopathy |
CCS | Carbon capture and storage |
CCTV | Closed Circuit Television |
C-DAC | Centre for Development of Advance Computing |
CDE | Centre for Distance Education |
CDM | Clean Development Mechanism |
CDMA | Code Division Multiple Access |
C-DOT | Centre for Development of Telematics |
CDP | Community Development Programme |
CDR | Corporate Debt Restructure |
CDSL | Central Depository Services (India) Ltd. |
CDU | Christian Democratic Union |
CEA | Central Electricity Authority |
CEAMS | Consumer Electronics and Appliances Manufacturers Association |
CECA | Comphrensive Economic Cooperation Agreement |
CECS | Cloud Email and Collaboration Services |
CELCP | Certified Employment Law and Compliance Professional |
CEMILAC | Centre for Military Airworthiness and Certification |
CEMS | Continuous Emissions Monitoring System |
CEMS | Continuous Emissions Monitoring System |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CERC | Central Electricity Regulatory Commission |
CERF | Central Emergency Response Fund |
CERF | Central Emergency Response Fund |
CESS | Centre for Economic and Social Studies |
CET | Common Entrance Test |
CETP | Common Effluent Treatment Plant |
CFC | Chloro Fluro Carbons |
CFD | Computational Fluid Dynamics |
CFD | Citizens for Democracy |
CFE | Consent For Establishment |
CFE | Consent For Establishment |
CFL | Cyber Forensic Lab |
cfm | cubic feet per minute |
CFO | Chief Finance Officer |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CFT | Combating the Financing of Terrorism |
CGA | Compressed Gas Association |
CGI | Charged Gasoline Injection |
CI | Compression Ignition |
CI | Cylinder Injection |
CICIR | China Institutes for Contemporary International Relations |
CID | Criminal Investigation Department |
CIF | Cost Insurance Freight |
CIFCO | Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company |
CII | Confederation of Indian Industry |
CIPOD | Centre for International Politics, Organisation and Disarmament |
CITI | Confederation of Indian Textiles Industry |
CITU | Centre of Indian Trade Unions |
CJI | Chief Justice of India |
CKR | Centre for Knowledge Repository |
CLAT | Common Law Admission Test |
CLAWS | Centre for Land Warfare Studies |
CLEA | Commonwealth Leagal Education Association |
CM | Condition Monitoring |
CM | Condition Monitoring |
CM | Chief Manager |
CMB | Cosmic Microwave Background |
CMC | City Municipal Council |
CMD | Chairman & Managing Director |
CMERI | Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute |
CMEs | Coronal Mass Ejections |
C-MET | Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology |
CMV | Corrected meter volume |
CNG | Compressed Natural Gas |
CNSE | College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering |
COA | Contract Of Affreightment |
COA | Committee of Administration |
COAI | Cellular Operators Association of India |
CoBRA | Combat Battalion for Resolute Action |
CODS | Certified Organisational Development Specialist |
CoEP | College of Engineering Pune |
COMESA | Common Market for Eastern and Souther Africa |
COO | Chief Operating Officer |
COP | Communication on Progress |
COP | Communication on Progress |
COP | Conference of the Parties |
COTS | Commercial Orbital Transportation Services |
COW log | Crude Oil Wash Log |
CPA | Competant Purchase Authority |
CPCB | Central Pollution Control Board |
CPCB | Centre Pollution Control Board |
CPCD | Certified Performance and Competence Developer |
CPCL | Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited |
CPCRI | Central Plantation Crops Research Institute |
CPCV | Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride |
CPG | consumer packaged goods |
CPI(M) | Communist Party of India (Marxist) |
CPLT | Cyclic Plate Load Test |
CPP | Captive Power Plant |
CPP | Coogeneration Power Plant |
CPSA | Certified Performance System Architect |
CPT | Certified Psychometric Tester |
CPV | Corrected prover volume |
CQI | Chartered Quality Institute |
CR | Core Recovery |
CR | Core Recovery |
CRA | Certified Recruitment Analyst |
CRC | Cold Rolled Coil |
CRD | Central Registry Database |
CRDD | Computational Resource for Drug Discovery |
CRDe | Common Rail Diesel Engine |
CREDAI | Confederation of Real Estate Developers' Association of India |
CREP | Certified Retention and Engagement Professional |
CREP | Corporate Responsibility for Environmental Protection |
CRF | Compressor Rear Frame |
CRF | Compressor Rear Frame |
CRIDA | Central Research Institute for Dry Land Agriculture |
CRM | Certified Recruitment Manager |
CRPF | Central Reserve Police Force |
CRR | Cash Reserve Ratio |
CRS | Condenste Recovery System |
CRT | Cathode Ray Tube |
CRTV | Cathode Ray Tube Television |
CRZ | Coastal Regulation Zone |
CSAT | Civil Services Aptitude Test |
CSD | Council of Social Development |
CSD | Control System Diagrams |
CSIR | Council of Scientific & Industrial Research |
CSP | Certified Sourcing Professional |
CSP | Certified Scorecard Professional |
CSR | Corporate Social Responsibility |
CSSEIP | Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy |
CSU | Colorado State University |
CTBT | Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty |
CTC | Cable Tray Culvert |
CTC | Connection Technology Center |
CTC | Cost To Company |
CTI | Commercial Tax Inspector |
CTO | Chief Technology Officer |
CVC | Chief Vigilence Commission |
CWBS | Collision Warning and Brake Support |
CWC | Congress Working Committee |
CWC | Central Warehousing Corporation |
CWR | Cooling Water Return |
CWS | Cooling Water Supply |
D.Ed | Diploma in Education |
DA | Data Access |
DAC | Driver Alert Control |
DAC | Dubai Accreditation Department |
DAE | Department of Atomic Energy |
DAQ | Data Acquisition System |
DART | Dynamic Arc Recognition and Termination |
DAS | Data Acquisition System |
DAT | Diasaster Alert Transmitter |
DAT | Disaster Alert Transmitter |
DBB | Deutsche Bundes-Bank |
DBM | Dense Bitumen Macadam |
DBR | Design Basis Report |
DCA | Drugs Control Administration |
DCAC | Direct contact aftercoolers |
DCC | digital content creation |
DCI | Documents Control Index |
DCP | Deputy Commissioner of Police |
DCP | Dry Chemical Powder |
DCS | Distributed Control System |
DCS | Dist6ributed Control Systems |
DD | Disclosure Document |
DDM | Domino Document Manager |
DDS | Drawing & Document Schedule |
DDT | Dividend Distribution Tax |
DE | Distance Education |
DEC | Distance Education Council |
DES | Delivered Ex-Ship |
DES | Duty Exemption Scheme |
DES | Digital Evaluation System |
DFCE | Duly Free Credit Entitlement |
DFID | Department For International Development |
DFT | Dry Film Thickness |
DGCA | Director General of Civil Aviation |
DGFT | Director General of Foreign Trade |
DGM | Deputy General Manager |
DGM | Deputy General Manager |
DGOV | Directorate General Of Valuation |
DHS | Department of Homeland Security |
DI | Direct Injection |
DIL | Driver In the Loop |
DIPP | Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion |
DIS | Delivery Instruction Slip |
DISC | Developing Innovations in School Cultivation |
DIY | Do It Yourself |
DLN | Dry Low Nox |
DLP | Distance Learning Programme |
DM | De Mineralisation |
DM | Deputy Manager |
DM | Deputy Manager |
DMG | Directorate of Mines and Geology |
DMIC | Door Mounted Inflatable Curtain |
DMIC | Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor |
DMK | Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam |
DO | Development Officer |
DO | Divisional Office |
DOCSIS | Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification |
DOF | Degrees of Freedom |
DOL | Driver Out of the Loop |
DOP | Delivery Order Point |
DOT | Department Of Telecommunication |
DP | Depository Participant |
DPAP | Drought Prone Area Programme |
DPC | Damp Proof Course |
DPR | Detailed Project Report |
DPT | Department of Public Instructions |
DRI | Directorate General of Revenue Intelligence |
DRT | Debt Recovery Tribunal |
DS | Distributed Soil Sample |
DSA | Dynamic Stability Assistance |
DSE | Delhi School of Economics |
DSL | Deviation from Straight Line |
DSM | Diploma in Sports Medicine |
DST | Department of Science and Technology |
DSTC | Dynamic Stability and Traction Control |
DTAA | Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement |
DTC | Direct Taxes Code |
DTC | Direct Tax Code |
DTC | Diagnostic Trouble Code |
DTC | Direct Taxes Code |
DTERT | Directorate of Teacher Education Research and Training |
DTI | Department of Trade & Industry |
DTI | Department of Trade & Industry |
DTI | Department of Trade & Industry |
DTI | Department of Trade & Industry |
DTI | Department of Trade & Industry |
DVC | Damodar Valley Corporation |
DVLCP | Deluge Valve Local Control Panel |
DVM | Digital Voltmeters |
DWT | Dead Weight |
DYC | Direct Yaw Control |
DYFI | Democratic Youth Federation of India |
EAC | East African Community |
EAD | Environmental Agency Abu Dhabi |
EADS | European defence and aerospace group |
EASL | Electronic Access to Securities Information |
EBD | Electronic Brake Distribution |
EBD | electronic brakeforce distribution |
EBI | European Bioinformatics Institute |
EBITDA | earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization |
EBL | Emergency Brake Light |
EBR | Erik Buell Racing |
ECB | England and Wales Cricket Board |
ECB | External Commercial Borrowings |
ECB | European Central Bank |
ECB | European Chemicals Bureau |
ECB | External Commercial Borrowing |
ECDA | External Corrosion Direct Assessment |
ECI | Election Commission of India |
ECOWAS | Economic Community of West African States |
ECS | Electrical Control System |
ECT | Eddy Current Testing |
ECU | Electronic Control Unit |
ED | Enforcement Directorate |
ED | Executive Director |
EDC | Effective Date of Contract |
EdCIL | Education Consultants India Limited |
EDP | Electronic Data Processing |
EDW | Enterprise Data Warehouse |
EE | Emergency Exit |
EEE | Exempt-Exempt-Exempt |
EEE | Energy-Efficient Ethernet |
EERS | Energy Efficiency Resource Standard |
EET | Exempt saving, Exempt interest, but Tax Withdrawls |
EFI | Electronic Fuel Injection |
EFRT | External Fixed Roof Tanks |
EGF | Employment Generation Fund |
EGR | Exhaust gas recirculation |
EGR | Exhaust Gas Recirculation |
EGV | Exit Guide Vane |
EHC | Environment Health Criterion |
EIA | Energy Information Administration |
EIA | Environment Impact Assessment |
EIA | Electronic Industries Association |
EIH | Europaisch-Iranische Handelsbank |
EIL | Engineers India Limited |
EIL | Eastern Investments Limited |
EIR | equipment identity register |
EITI | Extracive Industry Transparency Initiative |
EITI | Extracive Industry Transparency Initiative |
EJMA | Expansion Joints Manufacturers Association |
ELCB | Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker |
ELCOT | Electronic Corporation of Tamil Nadu |
ELI | Employees Liability Insurance |
ELSS | Equity Linked Savings Schemes |
EMA | European Medicines Agency |
EMA | Electro-Magnetic Array Testing |
EMAT | Electro-Magnetic Acoustic Testing |
EMBO | European Molecular Biology Organisation |
EMD | Earnest Money Deposit |
EMI | Electro Magnet Interface |
EMI | Electro Magnetic Interface |
EMIs | Equated Monthly Instalments |
EMU | European Monetary Union |
ENPO | Eastern Nagaland People's Organisation |
ENT | Ear Nose Throat |
EO | Export Obligation |
EOI | Expression of Interest |
EOT | Electrical Overhead Travelling |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
EPCG | Export Promotion Capital Goods |
EPCs | export promotion councils |
EPF | Employees Provident Fund |
EPFO | Employees Provident Fund Organisation |
EPFO | Employees Provident Fund Organisations |
EPR | Evolutionary Power Reactor |
EPRI | Electric Power Research Institute |
EPS | Employees Pension Scheme |
EPS | Earnings Per Share |
EPTP | Effluent Pre Treatment Plant |
ERC | Electrical cable Road Crossing |
ERM | Extension, Renovation and Modernisation |
ERS | Emergency Release System |
ERT | Electrical Resistivity Test |
ESCAP | Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific |
ESCAP | European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychology |
Escoms | Electricity Supply Companies |
ESD | Emergency Shutdown System |
ESD | Emergency ShutDown system |
ESDM | Electronics System Design and Manufacturing |
ESG | Environment, Social & Governance |
ESG | Environment, Social & Governance |
ESP | electronic stability program |
ETA | Expected Time of Arrival |
ETD | Embedded Temperature Detector |
ETD | Electronic Theses and Dissertations |
ETF | Exchange Traded Fund |
ETFE | Ethylene TetraFluoro Ethylene |
ETL | Esison Testing Laboratories |
ETP | Effluent Treatment Plant |
ETS | Emissions Trading Scheme |
ETS | Educational Testing Services |
EVOH | Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol |
EWG | Exempt Wholesale Generators |
EWS | Engineering Work Station |
EWS | Economically Weaker Sections |
F&G | Fire and Gas |
F&L | Fuel & Loss |
F&O | Futures and Options |
F/C | False Ceiling |
F/F | False Floor |
FA | Formative Assessments |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration |
FAD | Free Air Delivary |
FANRPAN | Food and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network |
FAO | Food and Agricultural Organisation |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions |
FAT | Factory Acceptance Test |
FAT | Factories Acceptance Test |
FATRM | Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology |
FATT | Fracture Appearance Transition Temperature |
FCCB | Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds |
FCH | Future Capital Holdings |
FCI | Fluid Controls Institute |
FCIC | Federal Crisis Inquiry Commission |
FCNR | Foreign Currency Non-Resident |
FCP | Fuel Chargeable to Power |
FDI | Foreign Direct Investment |
FDP | Free Democratic Party |
FDS | Functional Design Specifications |
FDS | Function Design Specification |
FEED | Front End Engineering Design |
FEH | Fire Escape Hydrant |
FEMA | Failure Modes and Effects Analysis |
FERA | Foreign Exchange Regulation Act |
FF | Foundation Fieldbus |
FFDA | Fish Farmers Development Agency |
FFL | Finished Floor Level |
FFPS | Foundation Fieldbus Power Systems |
FFS | Fitness for Services |
FGL | Finished Ground Level |
FI | Financial Inclusion |
FICCI | Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry |
FIEO | Federation of Indian Export Organisation |
FIH | International Hockey Federation |
FII | Foreign Institutional Investors |
FIM | Free Issue Materials |
FIM | Federation International de Motocyclisme |
FINESSE | Fast INfrared Exoplanet Spectroscopy Survey Explorer |
FIP | Fire Insurance Policy |
FISCO | Fieldbus Intrinsically Safe Concept |
FM | Factory Manual Standard |
FMCG | Fast Moving Consumer Goods |
FMEA | Failure Mode & Effect Analysis |
FMECA | Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis |
FMEM | Failure Mode Effects Management |
FN | Ferrit Number |
FNA | Fars News Agency |
FO | Fuel Oil |
FO | Furnace Oil |
FOB | Freight On Board |
FOI | Fax Of Intent |
FOSS | Free and Open Source Softwares |
FPI | Fluorescent Penetrant Inspect |
FPLC | Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography |
FPO | Follow-on Public Offer |
FPSO | Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading |
FPT | Field Permeability Test |
FRA | Forest Rights Act |
FRBM | Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management |
FRBMA | Fiscal Reforms and Budget Management Act |
FRC | Free Residue Chlorine |
FRP | Fibre Reinforced Plastic |
FRS | Fellow of Royal Society |
FRT | Fixed Roof Tanks |
FSI | Free Swell Test |
FSN | Fast, Slow and Non-moving |
FT | Floor Trap |
FTA | Free Trade Agreement |
FTA | Free-To-Air |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
FTP | Foreign Trade Policy |
FTU | Formazine Turbidity Unit |
FV | Fund Value |
FWC | Feed Water Control |
G-4 | Japan-India-Germany-Brazil |
GA | Genetic Algorithms |
GAAR | General Anti-Avoidance Rules |
GAC | Granular Activated Carbon |
GADS | Generating Availability Data Systems |
GCC | General Conditions of Contract |
GCC | Gulf Cooperation Council |
GCIC | Global Council of Indian Christians |
GDC | Gannon Dunkerley Corporation |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GEF | Global Environment Facility |
GER | Gross Enrolment Ratio |
GERIAP | Greenhouse gas Emission Reduction from Industry in Asia and the Pacific |
GFP | green fluorescent protein |
GGM | Group General Manager |
GGSN | GPRS Gateway Support Node |
GHI | Global Hunger Index |
GIC | General Insurance Corporation/Company |
GIIS | Global Indian International School |
GIREM | Global Initiative for Reconstructing Environment and Management |
GM | General Manager |
GM | General Manager |
GMAC | Graduate Management Admission Council |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time |
GMV | Gross meter volume |
GNP | Gross National Product |
GPMM | Global Precipitation Measurement Mission |
GPON | Gigabit Passive Optical Network |
GPRS | General Packet Radio Service |
GPS | Geographical Position System |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GPUs | graphics processing units |
GPW | Gross Product Weight |
GR | Ground Resistance |
GRE | Graduate Record Examination |
GRI | Global Reporting Initive |
GRI | Global Reporting Initive |
GRM | Gross Refining Margin |
GRM | Gross Refinery Margin |
GRT | Gross Tonnage |
GSB | Granular Sub-Base |
GSF | Global Schools Foundation |
GSL | Goa Shipyard Limited |
GSLV | Geo-synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle |
GSM | Global System for Mobile Communications |
GSMA | GSM Association |
GST | Goods and Services Tax |
GSU | Georgia State University |
GTAW | Gas Tungsten Arc Welding |
gTLD | generic top-level domain |
GTRI | Georgia Tech Research Institute |
GTU | Gujarat Technological University |
GVWR | Gross Vehicle Weight Rating |
GWIC | Great Wall Industry Corporation |
GWT | Ground Water Table |
HAD | Historical Data Access |
HAL | Hindustan Aeronautical Limited |
HALP | Huawei Authorized Learning Partners |
HARPS | High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher |
HASC | Hindustan Aeronautics Sports Club |
HAZOP | Hazard and Operability |
HBCS | House Building Cooperative Society |
HBI | Hot Briquetted Iron |
HCC | Hindustan Construction Company |
HCII | Human-Computer Interaction Institute |
HDC | Hill Descent Control |
HDDs | hard-disk drives |
HDG | Heavy Duty Grating |
HDI | Human Development Index |
HDL | High-Density Lipoproteins |
HDPE | High Density Poly Ethylene |
HDTV | High Definition Television |
HFD | Hydraulic Flow Diagram |
HHDDE | Heavy Heavy Duty Diesel Engine |
HHI | Heinrich Hertz Institute |
HIC | Hydrogen Induced Cracking |
HIDCO | Housing Infrastructure Development Corporation |
HIS | Hydraulic Institute Standards |
HIV | Human Immuno-deficienncy Virus |
HLV | Human Life Value |
HMI | Human Machine Interface |
HMSI | Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India |
HOHO | Hop On/ Hop Off |
HOL | High Operating Level |
HOPAS | Haryana Overseas Placement Assistance Society |
HOPAS | Haryana Overseas Placement Assistance Society |
HOPAS | Haryana Overseas Placement Assistance Society |
HOPAS | Haryana Overseas Placement Assistance Society |
HOPAS | Haryana Overseas Placement Assistance Society |
HOPAS | Haryana Overseas Placement Assistance Society |
HOPAS | Haryana Overseas Placement Assistance Society |
HOPS | Higher Order Poincaré Sphere |
HOT | Hand Operated Travelling Crane |
HP | Hewlett-Packard |
HPP | High Point of Paving |
HPTC | High Power Trunk Concept |
HRC | Hydraulic Reserach Centers |
HRM | Human Resource Management |
HSB | Hardford Steam Boiler |
HSD | High Speed Diesel |
HSE | Health Safety and Environement |
HSE | Health, Safety and Environment |
HSECES | Health, Safety and Environment Critical Equipment Systems |
HSEIA | Health Safety and Environment Impact Assessment |
HTHA | High Temperature Hydrogen Attack |
HTI | Holding Time Indices |
HTTP | Hyper Text Transfer Protocol |
HUF | Hindu Undivided Family |
HUL | Hindustan Unilever Limited |
HVAC | Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning |
HYV | High Yielding Varieties |
I&B | Information and Broadcasting |
IA | Instrument Air |
IAAI | International Airports Authority of India |
IAAP | Intensive Agricultural Area Programme |
IAC | Idle Air Control |
IACC | Independent Anti-Corruption Commission |
IADC | International Association of Drilling Contractors |
IADP | Intensive Agricultural Development programme |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency |
IAFS | India-Africa Forum Summit |
IAGOC | Incheon Asian Games Organising Committee |
IARC | International Agency for Research on Cancer |
IAS | Indian Administrative Service |
IASC | International Astronomical Search Collaboration |
IAWS | Indian Association for Women's Studies |
IAY | Indian Awas Yojana |
IB | Intelligence Bureau |
IB | International Baccalaureate |
IBA | Indian Banks’ Association |
IBF | Indian Boxing Federation |
IBRD | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
IBRD | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
IBRD | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
IBS | Integrated Bridge System |
IBSA | India, Brazil, South Africa |
IC | Inflatable Curtain |
ICA | International Consultation and Analysis |
ICAI | Institute of Chartered Accountants of India |
ICAN | Indian Community Activists Network |
ICANN | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers |
ICC | International Cricket Council |
ICE | Intercontinental Exchange |
ICEX | Indian Commodity Exchange Limited |
ICHR | Indian Council of Historical Research |
ICJ | International Council of Jurists |
ICP | Inspection & Categorisation Plan |
ICRC | International Committee of the Red Cross |
ICRISAT | International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics |
ICS | Ice Cream Sandwich |
ICT | information and communication technology |
IDCT | Induced Draft Cooling Tower |
IDIS | Intelligent Driver Information System |
IDLO | International Development Law Organization |
IDMS | Integrated Data Management System |
IDPC | Ireland's Data Protection Commissioner |
IDSA | Indian Direct Selling Association |
IEA | International Energy Agency |
IEC | Import Export Crude |
IED | Improvised Explosive Device |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
IEEEA | Indian Electrical and Electronics Engineering Association |
IES | Indian Engineering Services |
IES | Illuminating Engineering Society |
IETE | Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers |
IFAT | Integrated Factory Acceptance Test |
IFB | Invitation For Bids |
IFC | International Finance Corporation |
IFIS | Institute for Internet Security |
IFRT | Internal Fixed Roof Tanks |
IFS | Inertia Fuel Shutoff |
IFSM | Indian Federation of Sports Medicine |
IGATE | Indus Global Academy of Technical Education |
IGCSE | International General Certificate of Secondary Education |
IGF | Internet Governance Forum |
IGNOU | Indira Gandhi National Open University |
IGV | Inlet Guide Vane |
IHCP | Institute for Health and Consumer Protection |
IHT | International Herald Tribune |
IHV | India Hydrocarbon Vision |
IIBS | International Institute of Business Studies |
IIHR | Indian Institute of Horticulture Research |
IIHT | Indian Institute of Hardware Technology |
IIM | Indian Institute of Management |
IIP | Index of Industrial Production |
IIPM | Indian Institute of Plantation Management |
IISCo | Indian Iron and Steel Company |
IISERs | Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research |
IIST | Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology |
IIT | Indian Institute of Technology |
IITL | ITNL International Private Limited |
IJBB | Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics |
IJBT | Indian Journal of Biotechnology |
IJC | Indian Journal of Chemistry |
IJCT | Indian Journal of Chemical Technology |
IJEB | Indian Journal of Experimental Biology |
IJEMS | Indian Journal of Engineering and Material Sciences |
IJFTR | Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research |
IJMS | Indian Journal of Marine Sciences |
IJPAP | Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics |
IJRSP | Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics |
IJTK | Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge |
IL&FS | Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Limited |
ILI | In-Line Inspection |
ILO | International Labour Organisation |
ILUC | Indirect Land Use Change |
IM | Infant Mortality |
IMBL | International Maritime Boundary Line |
IMCA | International Marine Contractors Association |
IMEI | International Mobile Equipment Identity |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IMHH | Industry Mutual Hold Harmless |
IMRB | Indian Market Research Bureau |
IMTECH | Institute of Microbial Technology |
IMU | Indian Maritime University |
INA | Indian National Army |
INC | Indian National Congress |
INCOIS | Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services |
INRC | Indian National Rally Championship |
INSAT | Indian National Satellite |
INSDOC | Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre |
IOB | Indian Overseas Bank |
IPC | Indian Penal Code |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
IPCS | International Programme on Chemical Safety |
IPI | Iran Pakistan India |
IPL | Indian Premier League |
IPO | Initial Public Offer |
IPP | Import Parity Price |
IR | Integrated Reasoning |
IRATA | International Rope Access Trade Association |
IRCTC | Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited |
IRDP | Integral Rural Development Programme |
IREDA | Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited |
IRIS | Internal Rotary Inspection System |
IRMA | Institute of Rural Management |
IRP | Interposing Relay Panel |
IRS | Illinois Roadway Simulator |
IS | Intrinsically Safe |
ISA | Instrument Society of America/ Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society |
ISA | Indian Semiconductor Association |
ISA | Indian Science Abstracts |
ISAF | International Security Assisstance Force |
ISAT | Integrated Site Acceptance Test |
ISB | Indian School of Business |
ISC | Independent Sales Consultants |
ISC | Idle Speed Control |
ISEC | Institute of Socio-Economic Change |
ISF | Incremental Scale Factor |
ISFM | International School of Film and Media |
ISI | Indian Social Institute |
ISI | Inter-Services Intelligence |
ISIS | Institute for Science and International Security |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
ISPAI | Internet Service Providers Association of India |
ISPS | International Ship and Port Security |
ISR | Intersecting Storage Rings Collider |
ISS | International Space Station |
IST | Indian Standard Time |
IST | Indian Standard Time |
IST | Indian Standard Time |
ISTE | Indian Society for Technical Education |
IT | Information Technology |
IT | Income Tax |
ITAT | Income Tax Appellate Tribunal |
ITB | Instructions To Bidders |
ITC | Industrial Training Centres |
ITCC | Income Tax Clearance Certificate |
ITDP | Integrated Tribal Development Programme |
ITEC | Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation |
ITI | Industrial Training Institutes |
ITIP | Indicative Inspection and Test Plan |
ITM | Ion Transport Membrane |
ITM | In The Money |
ITN | Innovative Trade Network |
ITP | Inspection and Test Plan |
ITR | Integrated Test Range |
ITR | Integrated Test Range |
ITRI | Industrial Technology Research Institute |
ITRI | Institute for Technology Research and Innovation |
IUCN | International Union for Conservation of Nature |
IVT | Infinitely Variable Transmission |
IWLC | India Women Leadership Council |
J&K | Jammu & Kashmir |
JAB | Joint Admission Board |
JAXA | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency |
JCHNP | Jetking Certified Hardware & Networking Professional |
JE | Junior Engineer |
JEE | Joint Entrance Examination |
JEGI | Jordan Edmiston Group, Inc |
JIPR | Journal of Intellectual Property Rights |
JLR | Jaguar Land Rover |
JNCASR | Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research |
JNNSM | Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission |
JPC | Joint Parliamentary Committee |
JRF | Junior Research Fellow |
JRY | Jawahar Rozgar Yojana |
JSA | Job Safety Analysis |
JSIR | Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research |
JSLC | Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre |
JSPL | Jindal Steel and Power Limited |
JSPLM | Jindal Steel and Power (Mauritius) Limited |
JV | Joint Venture |
KAAC | Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council |
KAAT | Karbi Anglong Autonomous Territory |
KAIST | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
KASSIA | Karnataka Small Scale Industries Association |
KATA | Karbi Anglong Territorial Authority |
KCC | Kisan Credit Cards |
KCCI | Kanara Chamber of Commerce and Industry |
KCPCR | Karnataka Commission for Protection of Child Rights |
KDP | Karnataka Development Programme |
KEA | Karnataka Examinations Authority |
KERC | Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission |
KERS | Karnataka Engineering Research Station |
KERS | Kinetic Energy Recovery System |
KFC | Kerala Financial Corporation |
KGF | Kolar Gold Fields |
KGMOA | Karnataka Government Medical Officers Association |
KGS | Kaiga Generating Station |
KGWI | Kelly Global Workforce Index |
KHSDRP | Karnataka Health System Development & Reform Project |
KIADB | Karnataka Industrail Areas Development Board |
KKNPP | Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project |
KMML | Kerala Minerals & Metals Limited |
KMT | Kou Ming Tang Party |
KNNL | Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Limited |
KNV | Karbi National Volunteers |
KPCC | Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee |
KPCL | Karnataka Power Corporation Limited |
KPF | Karbi People's Front |
KPIs | key performance indicators |
KPSC | Karnataka Public Service Commission |
KRRS | Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha |
KS | Knock Sensor |
KSBC | Karnataka State Bar Council |
KSBW | Karnataka State Board of Wakfs |
KSCSC | Kerala State Civil Supplies Corporation |
KSFA | Karnataka State Football Association |
KSHEC | Karnataka State Higher Education Council |
KSHRC | Karnataka State Human Rights Commission |
KSOU | Karnataka State Open University |
KSPCB | Karnataka State Pollution Control Board |
KSRP | Karnataka State Reserve Police |
KSRTC | Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation |
KSU | Karnataka State Universities |
KUD | Karnatak University Dharwad |
KUM | Karnataka Udyog Mitra |
KUSMA | Karnataka Unaided Schools Management Association |
KUWSDB | Karnataka Urban Water Supply & Drainage Board |
KVA | Karnataka Volleyball Association |
KVB | Karur Vysya Bank |
KVP | Kisan Vikas Patra |
KVTSDC | Karnataka Vocational Training and Skill Development Corporation |
KYC | Know Your Customer |
L&T | Larsen & Turbo |
LACS | Lakshmi Access Communications Systems |
LAF | Liquidity Adjustment Facility |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LAS | Low Alloy Steel |
LAS | Link Active Scheduler |
LCA | Long-term Cooperative Action |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Disply |
LCF | Low-Cycle Fatigue |
LCF | Liquid correction factor |
LCOs | local cable operators |
LCV | Light Commercial Vehicles |
LDAR | Leak Detection And Repair |
LDAR | Leak Detection and Repair |
LDC | Less Developed Countries |
LDC | Least Developed Countries |
LDDT | Light Duty Diesel Truck |
LDL | Low-Density Lipoproteins |
LDO | Light Diesel Oil |
LDT | Light Duty Truck |
LDV | Light Duty Vehicle |
LDW | Lane Departure Warning System |
LEC | Levy Exemption Certifi cates |
LED | Light Emitting Diode |
LEDO | Law of the Eventual Demise of the Opressor |
LEEA | Lifting Equipment Engineers Association |
LEISA | Low External Input Sustainable Aquaculture |
LEL | Lower Explosive Limit |
LEP | Large Electron Positron |
LeT | Lashkar-e-Taiba |
LEV | Low Emission Vehicle. |
LFL | lower flammability limit |
LHDE | Light Heavy Duty Engine |
LIB | Letter Inviting Bid |
LIC | Life Insurance Corporation |
LIFE | Laboratorios Industriales Farmacéuticos Ecuatorianos |
LIG | Low Income Group |
LIPI | Letter Inviting Price Implication |
LLRC | Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission |
LME | London Metal Exchange |
LOA | Letter Of Acceptance |
LoC | Line of Control |
LOCOG | London Games organising committee |
LOI | Letter of Intent |
LOL | Low Operating Level |
LOPA | Layer of Protection Analysis |
LP | Lumpsum Price |
LPC | Loss Prevention Council |
LPG | Liquified Petroleum Gas |
LPSC | Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre |
LQR | Linear Quadratic Regulator |
LSTK | Lump Sum Turn Key |
LTBP | London Tankers Brokers Panel |
LTCG | Long Term Capital Gain |
LTCS | Low Temperature Carbon Steel |
LTE | Long Term Evolution |
LTE-TDD | Long Term Evolution Time Division Duplex |
LTTE | Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam |
LULUCF | Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry |
LVDT | Linear Variable Differential Transformer |
LVW | Loaded Vehicle Weight |
LWN | Long Weld Neck |
LWR | Light Water Reactors |
M&A | Merger & Acquisition |
M&A | Mergers & Acquisitions |
M&M | Mahindra & Mahindra |
M.Tech | Master of Technology |
MAC | Medium Access Control |
MADRAS | microwave analysis and detection of rain and atmospheric structures |
MAF | Mass Air Flow |
MAIT | Manufacturers' Association for Information Technology |
MAKE | Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise |
MALDI | Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization |
MAPA | Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Abstracts |
MAST | Management Aptitude and Skills Test |
MAT | Minimum Alternate Tax |
MAWP | Maximum Allowable Working Pressure |
MBA | Master of Business Administration |
MBBS | Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery |
MBBS | Music Business Bachelor of Science |
MBD | Million Barrels per Day |
MBIL | Mercedes-Benz India Ltd. |
MCA | Master of Computer Applications |
MCA | Ministry of Corporate Affairs |
MCC | Master Control Centre |
MCC | Master Control Centres |
MCC | Melbourne Cricket Club |
MCI | Medical Council of India |
MCP | Manual Call Point |
MCPL | Meter correction for the pressure of the liquid. |
MCR | Master Control Room |
MCR | Maximum Continuous Rating |
MCR | Micro Carbon Residue |
MCTL | Meter correction for the temperature of the liquid |
MD | Managing Director |
MDG | Millenium Development Goals |
MDG | Millenium Development Goals |
MDI | Master Drawing Index |
MDI | Master Documentation Index |
MDMK | Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam |
MDMT | Minimum Design Metal Temperature |
MDT | Medium Duty Truck |
MEA | Ministry of External Affairs |
MECA | Manufacturers of Emission Controls Association |
MEDEFI | Mouvement Des Enterprises de France International |
MF | Mutual Fund |
MF | Meter Factor |
MFB | Minimum Flow Bypass |
MFI | Micro Finance Institutions |
MFL | Magnetic Flux Leakage |
MGAV | Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Vishwavidyalaya |
MHC | Material Handling Contractor |
MHDDE | Medium Heavy Duty Diesel Engine |
MHDE | Medium Heavy Duty Engine |
MHRA | Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency |
MIL | Malfunction Indicator Lamp |
MINAS | Minimum National Standards |
MIP | Monthly Income Plan |
MIP | Material In Pass |
MIS | Management Information System |
MIT | Manipal Institute of Technology |
MIT | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
MKSS | Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan |
mlc | Metres Liquid Column |
MM | Maternal Mortality |
MMA | Mixed Martial Arts |
MMA | Mixed Martial Arts |
MMD | Mercantile Marine Department |
MMF | Man Made Fibre |
MMPS | Machine Monitoring & Protection System |
MMS | Machine Monitoring System |
mmtoe | Million Tons of Oil Equivalent |
MMTPA | Million Metric Tons Per Annum |
MNF | Mizo National Front |
MNNIT | Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology |
MNQC | Multi-Nozzle Quiet Combustors |
MNRE | Ministry of New & Renewable Energy |
MOC | management of change |
MOC | Material of Construction |
MOEF | Ministry of Environment & Forests |
MOI | Ministry Of Interior |
MOM | Minutes Of Meeting |
MOM | Ministry of Manpower |
MOPU | Mobile Offshore Production Units |
MOS | Microsoft Office Specialist |
MoU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MP | Madhya Pradesh |
MPC | Master Pressure Controller |
MPQ | Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics |
MPR | Monthly Progress Report |
MPS | Master Production Schedule |
MRC | Model Reference Control |
MRI | Movable all Risks Insurance |
MRO | Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul |
MRPL | Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited |
MRR | Material Receipt Report |
MRV | Material Receipt Vouchers |
MRV | Measurement Reporting and Verification |
MS | Master of Surgery |
MSc | Master of Science |
mscm | million standard cubic metres |
mscmd | Million Standard Cubic Metres per Day |
MSDS | Material Safety Data Sheet |
MSMEs | Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises |
MSNP | mobile social networking platform |
MSOs | multi-system operators |
MSP | Minimum Support Price |
MSRIT | MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology |
MSSRF | M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation |
MSS-SP | Manufactures Standardization Society of the valve and fittings Industries Inc. |
MSTC | Metal Scrap Trading Corporation |
MSU | Mississippi State University |
MTBF | Mean Time Between Failure |
MTTF | Mean Time To Failure |
MTTR | Mean Time To Repair |
MTTR | Mean Time To Repair |
mu | Million Units |
MW | Mega Watt |
NAAC | National Assessment and Accreditation Council |
NAAC | National Assessment and Accreditation Council |
NACE | National Association of Corrosive Engineers |
NACEN | National Academy of Customs, Excise & Narcotics |
NAFP | National Frequency Allocation Plan |
NAICS | North American Industry Classification System |
NAL | National Aerospace Laboratories |
NALSAR | National Academy of Legal Studies & Research |
NAM | National Association of Manufacturers |
NAM | Non-Aligned Movement |
NAS | network attached storage |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organisation |
NATURE | National Academy of Trade Union Research and Education |
NBE | National Board of Examinations |
NBHE | National Board for Health Education |
NCD | Non-Convertible Debentures |
NCERT | National Council Of Educational Research and Training |
NCHER | National Commission for Higher Education and Research |
NCHRH | National Commission for Human Resources for Health |
NCP | Nationalist Congress Party |
NCPCR | National Commission for Protection of Child Rights |
NCPCR | National Commission for Protection of Child Rights |
NCR | National Capital Region |
NCR | Non Conformities Reports |
NCRB | National Crime Records Bureau |
NCTC | National Counter-Terrorism Centre |
NCTE | National Council for Teacher Education |
NDA | National Democratic Alliance |
NDDB | National Dairy Development Board |
NDE | Non Destructive Examination |
NDM | Nalco Deposit Monitor |
NDP | National Democratic Party |
NDRC | National Development and Reform Commission |
NDRC | National Development and Reform Commission |
NEA | National Energy Act |
NEC | National Electric Code |
NEET | National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test |
NEMA | National Electrical Manufacture's Association |
NERC | North American Electric Reliability Council |
NET | National Eligibility Test |
NET | National Entrance Test |
NEV | Neighborhood Electric Vehicle |
NFC | near field communications |
NFPA | National Fire Protection Association |
NFPA | National Fire Protection Association |
NGP | Nirmal Gram Puraskar |
NGT | Neutral Grounding Transformer |
NH | National Highway |
NHDP | National Highways Development Project |
NHP | Net Heat to Process |
NHRC | National Human Rights Commission |
NIC | Newly Industrialized Country |
NICE | National Initiative of Care for Elderly |
NICRA | National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture |
NIDB | National Import Database |
NIEO | New International Economic Order |
NIFTEM | National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management |
NIM | Net Interest Margin |
NIM | Net Interest Margin |
NInC | National Innovation Council |
NIOC | National Iranian Oil Company |
NIOSH | National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health |
NIOT | National Institute of Ocean Technology |
NIP | National IT Policy |
NIS | National Institute of Sports |
NISCAIR | National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources |
NISCOM | National Institute of Science Communication |
NISD | National Institute of Social Defence |
NISER | National Institute of Science Education and Research |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NIT | National Institute of Technology |
NLC | Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited |
NLSIU | National Law School of India University |
NMCC | National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council |
NMIZ | National Manufacturing and Investment Zones |
NMMS | National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NoC | No Objection Certificate |
non-REM | Non-Rapid Eye Movement |
NOR | Not Ordinarily Resident |
NOR | Notice Of Readiness |
NPA | Non-Performing Assets |
NPA | Non Performing Assests |
NPC | National People's Congress |
NPC | National People’s Congress |
NPCIL | Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited |
NPR | National Product Radiance |
NPS | Nominal Pipe Size |
NPS | New Pension System |
NPSH | Net positive suction head |
NPT | Non Porliferation Treaty |
NPTEL | National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning |
NPV | Net Present Value |
NRAI | National Rifle Association of India |
NRE | Non Resident External |
NREM | non- rapid eye movement |
NREP | National Rural Employment Programme |
NRGF | National Renewal Grant Fund |
NRHM | National Rural Health Mission |
NRI | Non Resident Indian |
NRO | Non Resident Ordinary |
NRT | Net Tonnage |
NRW | North Rhine-Westphalia |
NSC | National Savings Certificate |
NSE | National Stock Exchange |
NSG | National Security Guard |
NSI | Nalco Scale Index |
NSRCEL | N.S. Raghavan Centre for Enterpreneurial Learning |
NSS | National Service Scheme |
NSTL | National Science and Technological Laboratory |
NSTL | Naval Science and Technological Laboratory |
NTNU | Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
NTP | National Toxicology Program |
NTPC | National Thermal Power Corporation |
NTRO | National Technical Research Organisation |
NTS | national talent search |
NTSA | National Technical Services Association |
NTSC | National Television Standards Committee |
NTU | Nephelometric Turbidity Unit |
NTUI | New Trade Union Initative |
NUS | National University of Singapore |
NVVN | NTPC's Vidyut Vyapar Nigam |
NWET | Nuclear Weapon Enabled Terrorism |
OBC | Other Backward Classes |
OBD | On-Board Diagnostics |
OBQ | On Board Quality |
OBS | Olympic Broadcasting Services |
OCA | Olympic Council of Asia |
OCHA | Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affaris |
OCTG | Oil Country Tubular Goods |
ODC | Over Dimensional Consignment |
ODI | One Day International |
ODL | Open Distance Learning |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturers |
OES | Original Equipment Service Providers |
OHCA | Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affaris |
OHMIC | Observatory for Heteroscale Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling |
OISD | Oil Industry Safety Directorate |
OLM | Outlook Money |
OLT | optical line terminals |
OLTC | On Load Tap Changer |
OMC | Oil Marketing Companies |
OMC | Obulapuram Mining Company |
OMDC | Orissa Minerals Development Company |
OMO | Open Market Operations |
OMPL | ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals Limited |
OMR | Opening Meter Reading |
OMR | Optical Mark Recognition |
ONGC | Oil and Natural Gas Corporation |
ONS | Office for National Statistics |
ONU | optical network unit |
OPAL | ONGC Petro Additions Limited |
OPEC | Oil Producing and Exporting Countries |
OPEC | Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries |
OPV | Offshore Patrol Vessel |
OPV | Oral Polio Vaccine |
ORAP | Operational Reliability Analysis Program |
OREDA | Operator Reliability Data |
ORI | Operational Readiness Inspection |
ORP | Oxidation Reduction Potential |
ORS | Outage Reporting System |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Authority |
OSRD | Over, Short, Reject & Damage |
OTC | Offshore Technology Conference |
OTM | Oxygen Transport Membranes |
OTM | Out of the Money |
OTP | One Time Password |
OVL | ONGC Videsh Limited |
P3 | Primavera Project Planner |
PA | Plant Air |
PAC | Powder Activated Carbon |
PAC | Public Accounts Committee |
PANdora | Pan-Asia Network Distance Open Resources Access |
PAPA | Peoples' Alliance for Peace Agreement |
PBC | Pre-Bid Conference |
PBCE | Policy on Business Conduct and Ethics |
PBCE | Policy on Business Conduct and Ethics |
PCA | Personal Clinical Assessment |
PCB | Pakistan Cricket Board |
PCB | Pollution Control Board |
PCC | Plain Cement Concrete |
PCC | Personal Car Communicator |
PCCS | Plantwide Common Control System |
PCF | Prover Correction Factor |
PCI | Press Council of India |
PCM | Proactive Centered Maintenance |
PCM | Proactive Centered Maintenance |
PCM | Powertrain Control Module |
PCPL | Prover correction for the pressure on theliquid |
PCPS | Prover Correction for the pressure on steel |
PCTL | Prover Correction for the temperature of the liquid |
PCTS | Prover Correction for the Temperature on Steel |
PCV | Positive Crankcase Ventilation |
Portable Document Format | |
PDGRM | Post-Graduate Diploma in Rural Management |
PdM | Predictive Maintenance |
PdM | Predictive Maintenance |
PDMS | Plant Design Management System |
PDS | Plant Design System |
PE | Price-to-Earning |
PE | Plain End |
PE | Price Earnings |
PEMS | Predictive Emissions Monitoring System |
PEMS | Predictive Emissions Monitoring System |
PERP | Process Evaluation/Research Planning |
PES | Programmable Electronic Systems |
PFD | Probability of Failure on Demand |
PFD | Process Flow Diagram |
PFI | Popular Front of India |
PFRDA | Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority |
PGC | Power Grid Corporation |
PGDCA | Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications |
PGDHRM | Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management |
PGDIBO | Post Graduate Diploma in International Business Operations |
PGDIGC | Post Graduate Diploma Course in Integrated Geriatric Care |
PGHU | Pyrolysis Gasoline Hydrogenation Unit |
PHC | Primary Health Centres |
PHC | Primary Health Centre |
PHEV | Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles |
PHHL | Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited |
PI | Principal Investigator |
PIA | Pakistan International Airlines |
PID | Proportional, Integral & Derivative |
PIL | Public Interest Litigation |
PIL | Patient Information Leaflets |
PIMS | Pipeline Integrity Management System |
PIN | personal identification number |
PIR | Property Irregularity Report |
PIRs | Plant Inspection Requirements |
PLF | Plant Load Factor |
PLF | Passenger Load Factor |
PLO | Palestine Liberation Organisation |
PLR | Prime Lending Rates |
PLT | Pipe Line Transfer |
PLT | Plate Load Test |
PM | Preventive Maintenance |
PM | Preventive Maintenance |
PM | Particulate Matter |
PMB | Picture Motion Browser |
PMEAC | Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council |
PMG | Permanent Magnet Generator |
PMGSY | Pradhan Mantri Grama Sadak Yojana |
PMI | Positive Material Identification |
PMM | Post Manufacturers Marinizers |
PMO | Prime Minister’s Office |
PMR | Preventive Maintenance Routines |
PMS | Portfolio Management Service |
PNGRB | Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board |
POC | Proof of Concept |
PoK | Pakistan occupied Kashmir |
POL | Petroleum Oil & Lubricants |
POTUS | President of the United States |
PPB | Power Park Brake |
PPE | Personal Protective Equipment |
PPF | Public Provident Fund |
PPP | Pakistan People's Party |
PPP | Public Private Partnership |
PPS | Polyphenylene Sulfide |
PPU | Pre Purification Unit |
PPU | Pulses per unit |
PQR | Procedure Qualification Records |
PRD | Pressure relief device |
PREPAK | People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak |
PRI | Principles for Responsible Investment |
PRI | Principles for Responsible Investment |
PRIL | Pantaloon Retail India Limited |
PRO | Public Relations Officer |
PRO | Protection & Reliability Optimization |
PRS | Price Reduction Schedule |
PRT | Personal Rapid Transit |
PSA | Pressure Swing Adsorption |
PSB | Public Sector Banks |
PSO | Phosphino Succinic Oligimer |
PTA | Preferential Trade Agreement |
PTC | Production Test Coupons |
PTMP | point to multipoint |
PUCL | People's Union for Civil Liberties |
PURPA | Pubilic Utilities Regulatory Policy Act |
PWHT | Post Weld Heat Treatment |
PWM | Pulse Width Modulation |
QBR | Quartz Bulb Detectors |
QCDC | Quick Connecting and Disconnecting Coupler |
QCI | Quality Council of India |
QCM | Quartz Crystal Microbalance |
QIP | Qualified Institutional Placements |
QIP | Qualified Institutional Placements |
QMR | Quadraple Modular Reduntant |
QRA | Quantitative Risk Analysis |
QWF | Qunatum of Work Forms |
RAM | Reliability, Availability and Maintainability |
RAS | RAW Allied Services |
RAW | Research and Analysis Wing |
RBH | Rural Business Hub |
RBI | Reserve Bank of India |
RBI | Risk-Based Inspection |
RBM | Risk Based Maintenance |
RC | Rate Contract |
RCCB | Residual Current operated Circuit Breaker |
RCF | Railway Coach Factory |
RCFA | Root Cause Failure Analysis |
RCFA | Root Cause Failure Analysis |
RCGA | Real-Coded Genetic Algorithms |
RCI | Rehabilition Council of India |
RCM | Reliability Centered Maintenance |
RCM | Reliability Centered Maintenance |
RCM | Residential Construction Manager |
RCMC | Registeration Cum Membership Certificate |
RCO | Reduced Crude Oil |
RCWS | Research Centre for Women's Studies |
RD | Recurring Deposit |
RDE | Rotating Disc Electrode |
REC | Rural Electrical Corporation |
REC | Regional Economic Communities |
REC | Recruitment and Employment Confederation |
REDD | Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation |
REEEP | Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Partnership |
REEEP | Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Partnership |
REEV | Range Extended Electric Vehicle |
REM | rapid eye movement |
REM | Rapid Eye Movement |
RES | Renewable Electricity Standard |
RESSEX | Real Estate Sensitivity Index |
RFI | Request for Information |
RFI | Radio Frequency Interface |
RFI | Radio Frequency Interface |
RFP | Request For Proposal |
RFT | Remote Field Testing |
RGP | Refinery Gate Price |
RGRHC | Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation |
RGUHS | Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences |
RIC | Russia-India-China |
RIDF | Rural Infrastructure Development Fund |
RIIS | Research Institute of Industrial Safety |
RIL | Reliance Industries Limited |
RINL | Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited |
RLC | Regional Labour Commissioner |
RLEGP | Rural Labour Employment Generation Programme |
RM | Reactive Maintenance |
RM | Reactive Maintenance |
RMIL | Reliance Money Infrastructure Limited |
RNA | Ribonucleic acid |
RO | Restricted Orifice |
RO | Reverse Osmosis |
ROB | Remaining On Board |
ROC | Renewable Obligation Certifi cates |
RoCE | Return on Capital Employment |
ROPS | Roll Over Protection System |
ROQ | Re Order Quantity |
ROR | Resident and Ordinarily Resident |
ROS | Radio Occultation System |
ROV | Remotely Operated Vehicle |
RPSSGP | Roof-top PV and Small Solar Power Generation Programme |
RQD | Rock Quality Designation |
RSBY | Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana |
RSC | Roll Stability Control |
RSCPCR | Rajasthan State Commission for Protection of Child Rights |
RSO | Regional Security Officer |
RSX | Reliance Spot Exchange |
RTD | Resistance Temperature Detector |
RTI | Regional Training Institutes |
RTIMS | Real Time Information Mangement System |
RTPS | Raichur Thermal Power Station |
RTS | ready-to-serve |
RVE | Remote Village Electrification |
RWLI | Remote Water Level Indicator |
RWP | Rural Works Programme |
RWTP | Raw Water Treatment Plant |
SA | Sum Assured |
SA | South Africa |
SA | Summative Assessments |
SAARC | South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation |
SaaS | Software as a Service |
SAC | Space Application Centre |
SAC | Space Application Centre |
SADC | Southern African Development Community |
SAE | Society of Automotive Engineers |
SAGE | South Asian Gas Enterprise |
SAI | Sports Authority of India |
SAIC | Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation |
SAIL | Steel Authority of India Limited |
SAL | Supply Air Louvers |
SAMC | South Asian Media Commission's |
SAP | State Advisory Price |
SARFAESI | Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest |
SASAC | State Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission |
SBH | State Bank of Hyderabad |
SBI | State Bank of India |
SBIRI | Small Business Innovation Research Initiative |
SBM | State Bank of Mysore |
SBT | State Bank of Travancore |
SCADA | Supervisory Control And Data Acquistion |
SCADA | Supervisory Control And Data Acquistion |
SCBA | Self Contained Breathing Apparatus |
SCC | Stress Corrosion Cracking |
SCC | Special Conditions of Contract |
SCC | Safety Concept Car |
SCDL | Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning |
SCECO | Saudi Consolidated Electric Company |
SCG | Sydney Cricket Groun |
SCI | Shipping Corporation of India |
SCPT | Static Cone Penetration Test |
SCR | Selective Catalytic Reduction |
SCRCT | Socio-Cultural Research & Study Centre |
SCVT | State Council for Vocational Training |
SDBC | Semi-Dense Bituminous Concrete |
SDE | Scarce, Difficult , Easy Analysis |
SDI | Silt Density Index/Indicator |
SE | Senior Engineer |
SEC | State Election Commission |
SED | Strategic Economic Dialogue |
SEP | Smart Ethernet Protection |
SEZ | Special Economic Zone |
SFC | Static Frequency Converter |
SFC | Strategic Force Command |
SFC | Strategic Forces Command |
SFDA | Small Farmers Development Agency |
SFF | Safe Failure Fraction |
SFI | Sequential Multiport Fuel Injection. |
SFL | Super Fight League |
SGP | stability and growth pact |
SGSN | Serving GPRS Support Node |
SHADE | Shared Awarness and Deconfliction |
SI | Spark Ignition |
SIATI | Society of Indian Aerospace Technologies and Industries |
SICHREM | South Indian Cell for Human Rights Education and Monitoring |
SIFT | Software Implemented Fault Tolerance |
SIIMA | South Indian International Movie Awards |
SIL | Safety Integrity Level |
SIL | Safety Integrity Level |
SIP | Systematic Investment Plan |
SIPS | Side Impact Protection System |
SIS | Safety instrumented system |
SIS | Swedish Standards Institute |
SKO | Superior Kerosene Oil |
SLD | soft laser desorption |
SLET | State-Level Eligibility Test |
SLR | Statutory Liquidity Ratio |
SM | Senior Manager |
SMACNA | Sheet Metal and Air conditioning contractors National Association |
SMAW | Shielded Metal Arc Welding |
SMB | small and medium businesses |
SMS | Short Messaging Service |
SNEH | Special Need Education Home |
SOE | Sequence Of Events |
SOER | Sequence Of Events Recorder |
SOF | Statement Of Facts |
SOHO | Small Office, Home Office |
SOHO | Safety and Occupational Health Office |
SOHO | Solar and Heliospheric Observatory |
SoHo | South of Hollywood Road |
SoHo | South of Houston Street |
SOP | Schedule Of Prices |
SP | Superintendent of Police |
SPACE | Science Popularisation Association of Communicators and Educators |
SPCB | State Pollution Control Board |
SPD(S)T | Single Pole Double (Single) Throw |
SPE | Solid Particle Erosion |
SPIC-MACAY | Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture Amongst Youth |
SPIR | Spare Parts Interchangeability Report |
SPL | Sound Pressure Level |
SPM | Supplier Profile Management |
SPT | Sustained Performance Test |
SPT | Standard Penetration Test |
SPT | Sustained Performance Test |
SRC | State Reorganisation Commission |
SRF | Solid Recovered Fuel |
SRIST | Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions |
SRR | Satellite Rack Room |
SRT | System Readiness Tests |
SSD | Solid State Drives |
SSI | Small Scale Industries |
SSNNL | Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Ltd. |
SSPC | Steel Structure Painting Council, USA |
SSRC | South Sudan Referendum Commission |
SSTL | Sistema Shyam Teleservices Limited |
STBs | set-top boxes |
STC | Subisidary Training Center |
STC | Steam Temperature Control |
STC | Stability and Traction Control |
STCG | Short Term Capital Gain |
STEL | Short Term Exposure Limit |
STEM | Shaped Tube Electrode Machining |
STF | Special Task Force |
STIG | Steam Injected Gas Turbine |
STP | Systematic Transfer Plans |
STP | Systematic Withdrawl Plans |
STP | Secondary Treatment Plant |
STPI | Software Technology Parks of India |
STT | Securities Transaction Tax |
STT | Securities Transaction Tax |
STT | Securities Transaction Tax |
SUCI-C | Socialist Unity Centre for India- Communist |
SUR | Shared University Research |
SUV | Sport Utility Vehicle |
SVB | Special Valuation Branches |
SWAPO | South West African Peoples Organisation |
SWAS | Steam and Water Analysis System |
SWS | Slow wave sleep |
T&P | Tools & Plants |
TAAI | Travel Agents Association of India |
TAC | Tariff Advisory Committee |
TADA | Tribal Area Development Authority |
TADO | Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act |
TAFE | Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited |
TANA | Telugu Association of North America |
TAPMI | TA Pai Management Institute |
TAT | TurnAround Time |
TBA | Technical Bid Analysis |
TBE | Technical Bid Evaluation |
TBI | Throttle Body Injection |
TCM | transmission control module |
TDC | Top Dead Center |
TDF | The Document Foundation |
TDP | Telugu Desam Party |
TDS | Tax Deducted at Source |
TDSAT | Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal |
TEC | Toyo Engineering Corporation |
TEIL | Toyo Engineering India Limited |
TEMA | Tubular Heat Exchanger Manufacturing Association |
TERI | The Energy and Resources institute |
TERI | The Energy and Resources Institute |
TESS | Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite |
TEWAC | Totally Enclosed Water-to-Air Cooled |
TFMS | Tank Farm Management System |
TGBL | Tata Global Beverages Ltd |
TGS | Tank Gauging System |
TIEA | Tax Information Exchange Agreements |
TIL | Technical Informatiion Letter |
TIS | Tata Interactive Systems |
TISCO | Tata Iron and Steel Company |
TISS | Tata Institute of Social Sciences |
TLDs | Top Level Domains |
TLEV | Transitional Low Emission Vehicle. |
TMR | Triple Modular Reduntant |
TMR | Triple Modular Redundant |
TN | Tamil Nadu |
TNA | Tamil National Alliance |
T-N-C | Trip-Neutral-Close |
TN-FORCES | Tamil Nadu Forum for Creche and Childcare Services |
TNPA | Transnet National Ports Authority |
TOC | Top of Concrete |
toe | tonnes of oil equivalent |
TOEFL | Test of English as a Foreign Language |
TOFD | Time of Flight Diffraction |
TOP | Terms of Payment |
TP | Taluk Panchayat |
TP | Trial Pit |
TPA | Tonnes Per Annum |
TPFC | Transient Power Fuel Control |
tph | Tons Per Hour |
TPH | Tons Per Hour |
TPIA | Third Party Inspection Agency |
TPL | Third Party Liabillity Insurance |
TPS | Target Plus Scheme |
TRAI | Telecom Regulatory Authority of India |
TRF | Turbine Rear Frame |
TRF | Turbine Rear Frame |
TRMM | Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission |
TSA | Transportation Security Administration |
TSA | temperature swing adsorption |
TSI | Turbo Supervisory Instrument |
TTD | Tirumala Tirupati Devastanams |
TTMC | Traffic and Transit Management Centres |
TUM | Technische Universitaet Muenchen |
TVP | Total Vapour Pressure |
TVU | Tri-Valley University |
TWU | Transport Workers Union |
UAE | United Arab Emirates |
UAKK | United Association of Karnataka Kuwait |
UAR | United Arab Republic |
UARF | Underwater Acoustic Research Facility |
UBS | Urban Basic Services |
UCIC | Unique Customer Identification Code |
UCL | University College London |
UCL | University College London |
UCR | Utility Control Room |
UCSD | University of California, San Diego |
UDS | Undistributed Sample |
UEFI | Universal Extensible Firmware Interface |
UEL | Upper explosive limit |
UFC | Ultimate Fighting Championship |
UFC | Ultimate Fighting Championship |
UFL | upper flammability limit |
UGC | University Grants Commission |
UICC | Union for International Cancer Control |
UID | Unique Identification Number |
UIDAI | Unique Identification Authority of India |
UK | United Kingdom |
UKAS | United Kingdom Accreditation Service |
UL | Underwriters Laboratories |
ULCC | Ultra Large Crude Carriers |
ULEV | Ultra Low Emission Vehicle |
ULFA | United Liberation Front of Asom |
ULIP | Unit-Linked Insurance Plan |
UMTS | Universal Mobile Telecommunication System |
UN | United Nations |
UNA | United Nations Associations |
UNCCD | United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification |
UNCTAD | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme |
UNEP | UN Environmental Programme |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation |
UNFCCC | United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change |
UNHCR | United Nations High Commisioner for Refugees |
UNHCR | United Nations High Commisioner for Refugees |
UNICEF | United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund |
UNIDO | United Nations Industry Development Organization |
UNMIN | United Nations Mission In Nepal |
UNO | United Nations Organisation |
UNOCI | United Nations Operation in Cote d'Ivoire |
UNSC | United Nations Security Council |
UNWTO | UN World Tourism Organization |
UOS | Urban Operating System |
UP | Uttar Pradesh |
UPA | United Progressive Alliance |
UPC | Unique Porting Code |
UPCL | Udupi Power Corporation Limited |
UPDS | United People's Democratic Solidarity |
UPES | University of Petroleum & Energy Studies |
UPPSC | Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission |
UPS | Uninteruptable Power Supply |
UPS | Uninterruptible Power Supply |
UPSC | Union Public Service Commission |
USA | United States of America |
USB | Universal Serial Bus |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture |
USP | Unique Selling Point |
USSR | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
UST | Ultrasonically Tested |
UTI | Ullage Temeprature Interference |
UTM | Unified Threat Management |
UTS | Ultimate Tensile Strength |
UVDB | Utility Vendor Database |
VAPs | Value-Added Partners |
VAR | Value At Risk |
VAS | Value Added Service |
VCU | Virginia Commonwealth University |
VDC | Vendor Development Cell |
VDR | Vendor Drawing Review |
VDRL | Vendor Document Requirements List |
VECI | Vehicle Emission Control Information |
VEF | Vessel Experience Factor |
VIGV | Variable Inlet Guide Vane |
VIM | Vigil India Movement |
VIN | Vehicle Identification Number |
VIT | Vellore Institute of Technology |
VJAS | Vidarbha Jan Andolan Samithi |
VLC | visible light communication |
VLCC | Very Large Crude Carriers |
VNL | Vihaan Networks Ltd. |
VOC | Volatile Organic Compounds |
VOC | Volatile Organic Compounds |
VP | Vice President |
VPF | Voluntary Provident Fund |
VPI | Vacuum Pressure Impregnated |
VPN | Virtual Private Network |
VPS | Vacuum Plasma Spray |
VPSA | Vacuum-Pressure Swing Adsorption |
VSA | Vacuum Swing Adsorption |
VSCC | Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre |
VSP | Visakhapatnam Steel Plant |
VST | Vane Shear Test |
VST | Vicat Softening Temperature |
VTSA | Voltage Transformer & Surge Arrester |
VWO | Valves Wide Open |
WALMI | Water and Land Management Institute |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WAR | Winning, Augmentation and Renovation |
WB | West Bengal |
WBM | Water Bound Macadam |
WCI | Workmen's Compensation Insurance |
WCO | World Customs Organisation |
WCT | Works Contract |
WED | World Environment Day |
WEF | World Economic Forum |
WGEEP | Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel |
WGTF | Western Ghats Task Force |
WHIPS | Whiplash Protection System |
WHO | World Health Organisaton |
WIP | Work In Progress |
WIS | Weizmann Institute of Science |
WLA | White Label ATMs |
WMD | Weapons of Mass Destruction |
WMM | Wet Mix Macadam |
WOL | Wireless Operating Licence |
WOT | wide open throttle |
WPC | Wireless Planning Commission |
WPC | Wireless Planning Cell |
WPF | Windows Presentation Foundation |
WPI | Wholesale Price Index |
WPO | World Packaging Organisations |
WPS | Welding Procedure Specification |
WRSSS | Western Regional System Strengthing Scheme |
WSC | World Shipping Council |
WSH | World Series of Hockey |
WSHTC | World Scale Hours Terms & Conditions |
WSO | Wildlife Society of Orissa |
WTI | West Texas Intermediate |
WTI | West Texas Intermediate |
WTO | World Trade Organisation |
WU-TWC | warm up- three way catalytic converter |
WWTP | Waste Water Treatment Plant |
XLPE | Cross Linked Poly Ethylene |
YAHOO | Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle |
YCMOU | Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University |
YESSS | Young Entrepreneurs' Start-ups in Soaring Spirits |
YMCA | Young Men's Christian Association |
yoy | year on year |
YTM | Yield to Maturity |
YWCA | Young Women's Christian Association |
ZEV | Zero Emission Vehicle |
ZOPFAN | Zone of Peace Freedom and Neutrality |
ZP | Zilla Panchayat |
Thursday, July 12, 2012
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