Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Abbreviations / Acronyms / Short forms used in the Energy Auditor / Energy Manager Examination conducted by BEE

HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
VCR Vapour Compression Refrigeration
VAR Vapour Absorption Refrigeration
CFC Chlorinated Fluorocarbon
HFC Hydro Fluorocarbon
HCFC Hydrochloro Fluorocarbon
COP Coefficient of Performance
FCU Fan Coil Units
AHU Air Handling Units
IPLV Integrated Part Load Value
OLTC On Load Tap Changer
PCC Power Control Centre
MCC Motor Control Centre
AAAC All Aluminium Alloy Conductors
ACRS Aluminium Cored Steel Reinforced
DTRs Distribution Transformers
HVDS High Voltage Distribution System
LVDS Low Voltage Distribution System
DSM Demand Side Management
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supplies
HVDC High Voltage Direct Current
PCC Point of Common Coupling
RPM Revolutions per Minute
PF Power Factor
VFD Variable Frequency Drive
TEFC Totally-Enclosed, Fan-Cooled
SPDP Screen Protected Drip Proof
F&W Friction & Windage
EEM Energy Efficient Motors
BIS Bureau of Indian Standards
NEMA National Electrical Manfacturers Association of USA
BMS Building Management System
VSD Variable Speed Drive
FAD Free Air Delivery
HOC Heat of Compression
TR Tons of Refrigeration
EER Energy Efficieny Ratio
DBT Dry Bulb Temperature
WBT Wet Bulb Temperature
ACH Air Changes per Hour
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
SP Static Pressure
BHP Brake Horse Power
ID Induced Draft
FD Forced Draft
PA Primary Air
GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic
BEP Best Efficiency Point
BFP Boiler Feed Pump
COC Cycles of Concentration
L/G Liquid / Gas
UV Ultraviolent Light
CRI Color Rendering Index
HID High Intensity Discharge
GLS General Lighting service
FTL Fluorescent Tube Lamp
BEMS Building Energy Management System
BPO Business Process Outsourcing
EPI Energy Performance Index
AAhEPI Average Annual Hourly Energy Performance Index
CFL Compact Fluorescent Lamp
LPSV Low Pressure Sodium Vapor
HPSV High Pressure Sodium Vapor
HPMV High Pressure Mercury Vapor
LED Light Emitting Diode
LLF Light Loss Factor
UF Utilisation Factor
SHR Space to Height Ratio
CI Compressor Ignition
WHR Waste Heat Recovery
ECBC Energy Conservation Building Codes
SHGC Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
VLT Vissible Light Transmittance
WWR Window-Wall Ratio
EA Effective Aperture
LPD Lighting Power Density
PC Pulverised Coal
CHP Combined Heat and Power
IC Internal Combustion
TSR Theoretical Steam Rate
ASR Actual Steam Rate
HPHE Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger
LMTD Log Mean Temperature Difference
PFD Process Flow Diagram
HV High Voltage
EHV Extra High Voltage
T&D Transmission & Distribution
HT High Tension
MD Maximum Demand
THD Total Harmonic Distortion
3T Temperature, Turbulence and Time
MCR Maximum Continuous Rating
IBR Indian Boiler Regulation
FBC Fluidised Bed Combustion
EA Excess Air
AAS Actual Air Supplied
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
PRV Pressure Reducing Valve
NPSH Net Positive Suction Head
NPSHA Net Positive Suction Head Available
NPSHR Net Positive Suction Head Required
SRB Self-Recuperative Burners
ETI Economic Thickness of Insulation
PCE Pyrometric Cone Equivalent
RUL Refractories Under Load
AFBC Atmospheric Fluidised Bed Combustion System
CFBC Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustion System
PFBC Pressurized Fluidised Bed Combustion System
VOC Volatile Organic Compounds
GWP Global Warming Potential
PFC PerFluro Carbons
UNFCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
COP Conference of Parties
EITs Economies In Transition
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
CDM Clean Development Mechanism
JI Joint Implementation
CER Certified Emission Reduction
ERU Emission Reduction Unit
PIN Project Idea Note
DNA Designated National Authority
PDD Project Design Document
DOE Designated Operational Entity
MOEF Ministry of Environments and Forests
EB Executive Board
ODA Official Development Assistance
ICL Incandescent Lamp
TPA Tripartite Agreement
NRES New and Renewable Energy Sources
PV Photo Voltaic
GaAs Gallium Arsenide
CIS Copper Indium Diselenide
CdTe Cadmium Telluride
BIPV Building-Integrated Photo Voltaic
WECS Wind Energy Conversion System
CF Capacity Factor
DOB De-Oiled Bran
PQCDS Productivity, Quality, Costs, Delivery, Safe Working Environment
PDCA Plan, Do, Check, Action
SGA Small Group Activities
TPM Total Productive Maintenance
TQM Total Quality Management
DIS Draft International Standards
GHG Greenhouse Gas
NPV Net Present Value
ROI Return on Investment
IRR Internal Rate of Return
ESCOs Energy Service Companies
O&M Operation & Maintenance
EPC Energy Performance Contract
IGA Investment Grade Audit
EEM Energy Efficient Measures
PMV Performance Measurement and Verification
EOI Expression of Interest
RFP Request for Proposal
M&V Monitoring & Verification
PDC Project Development Cycle
WBS Work Breakdown Structure
AOA Activity on Arrow
AON Activity on Node
CPM Critical Path Method
PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique
M&T Monitoring & Targeting
EAC Energy Account Centers
CUSUM Cummulative Sum of Differences
EMIS Energy Management Information System
ODS Ozone Depleting Substances
COS Corbonyl Sulfide
IOR Improved Oil Recovery
EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery
CBM Coal Bed Methane
GTL Gas to Liquid
BEE Bureau of Energy Efficiency
SDA State Designated Agencies
S&L Standards and Labeling
MEPS Minimum Energy Performance Standards
HVDS High Voltage Direct Supply
BLY Bachat Lamp Yojana
DC Designated Consumer
MTOE Million Tonne of Oil Equivalent
PPP Purchasing Power Parity
R/P Reserved / Production
toe Tonne of Oil Equivalent
MT Million Tonnes
BCM Billion Cubic Metres
MKwh Million Kilo Watt Hour
NELP New Exploration Licensing Policy
SEC Specific Energy Consumption
DAE Department of Atomic Energy
GDP Gross Domestic Product
OGL Open General License
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
AT & C Aggregate Technical & Commercial
APDRP Accelerated Power Development & Reforms Programme
ABT Availability Based Tariffs
CEA Central Electricity Authority
RPO Renewable Purchase Obligation
SERC State Electricity Regulatory Commission
RPS Renewable Portfolio Standard
GIS Geographical Information System
TTRC Tradable Tax Rebate Certificate
NAPCC National Action Plan on Climate Change
LNG Liquified Natural Gas
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
MNRE Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
EI Energy Intensity
FC Final Consumption
APM Administered Pricing Mechanism
MIS Management Information System
PC Planning Commission
DC Directional Current
AC Alternating Current
TOD Time of Day
RH Relative Humidity
BTU British Thermal Unit
ENCON Energy Conservation
LSHS Low Sulphur Heavy Stock
LDO Light Diesel Oil
LPG Liquified Petroleum Gas
PEP Plant Energy Performance
TPD Tons per Day
EPI Energy Performance Indicators
SMART Specific, Measurable, Ambitious, Realistic, Time
5S Seiri, Seito, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke (Housekeeping, Workplace Organisation, Cleanup, Maintain Cleanliness and Discipline)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Education related abbreviations

CEED - Common Entrance Examination for Design
AIST - All India Selection Test
CAT - Creative Ability Test
PBT - Paper Based Test
GAT - General Ability Test
SET - Symbiosis Entrance Test
ADI - Association of Designers of India
IAI - Institute of Actuaries of India
ASI - Actuarial Society of India
ACET - Actuarial Common Entrance Test
DeitY - Department of Electronics & Information Technology
OCP - Oracle Certified Professional
RHCSA - Red Hat Certified Systems Administrator
RHCE - Red Hat Certified Engineer
CEH - Certified Ethical Hacker
CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional
CISM - Certified Information Security Manager
MCSD - Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer
OCJP - Oracle Certified Java Professional
ICT - Information Communication Technology
MAIT - Manfacturers Association for Information Technology
PACE - Programme for Advancing Computer Education
ACTS - Advanced Computing Training School
CAFI - Computer Application in Fashion Industry
MPL - Mooting Premier League
CLAT - Common Law Admission Test
LSAT - Law School Admission Test
AILET - All India Law Entrance Test
AIBE - All India Bar Exam
ACJ - Asian College of Journalism
BJMC - Bachelore of Journalism & Mass Communication
MJMC - Master's in Journalism & Mass Communication
WWI - Whistling Woods International
MICA - Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad
EFLU - English & Foriegn Languages University
COP - Certificate of Proficiency
ADOP - Advanced Diploma of Proficiency
NCHMCT - National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology
FCI - Food Craft Institute
STEP - Systematic Training and Education Programme
WGSHA -Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration
SCB - Standard Chartered Bank
LMS - Learning Management System
ESOP - Employee Stock Option Plan
BCTT - Banking Cash Transaction Tax
ISEED - International School of Entrepreneurship Education and Development
IIRM - Institute of Insurance and Risk Management
ICRIM - Institute of Certified Risk and Insurance Managers
ISDI - Indian School of Design and Innovation