HVAC | Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning |
VCR | Vapour Compression Refrigeration |
VAR | Vapour Absorption Refrigeration |
CFC | Chlorinated Fluorocarbon |
HFC | Hydro Fluorocarbon |
HCFC | Hydrochloro Fluorocarbon |
COP | Coefficient of Performance |
FCU | Fan Coil Units |
AHU | Air Handling Units |
IPLV | Integrated Part Load Value |
OLTC | On Load Tap Changer |
PCC | Power Control Centre |
MCC | Motor Control Centre |
AAAC | All Aluminium Alloy Conductors |
ACRS | Aluminium Cored Steel Reinforced |
DTRs | Distribution Transformers |
HVDS | High Voltage Distribution System |
LVDS | Low Voltage Distribution System |
DSM | Demand Side Management |
UPS | Uninterruptible Power Supplies |
HVDC | High Voltage Direct Current |
PCC | Point of Common Coupling |
RPM | Revolutions per Minute |
PF | Power Factor |
VFD | Variable Frequency Drive |
TEFC | Totally-Enclosed, Fan-Cooled |
SPDP | Screen Protected Drip Proof |
F&W | Friction & Windage |
EEM | Energy Efficient Motors |
BIS | Bureau of Indian Standards |
NEMA | National Electrical Manfacturers Association of USA |
BMS | Building Management System |
VSD | Variable Speed Drive |
FAD | Free Air Delivery |
HOC | Heat of Compression |
TR | Tons of Refrigeration |
EER | Energy Efficieny Ratio |
DBT | Dry Bulb Temperature |
WBT | Wet Bulb Temperature |
ACH | Air Changes per Hour |
ASME | American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
SP | Static Pressure |
BHP | Brake Horse Power |
ID | Induced Draft |
FD | Forced Draft |
PA | Primary Air |
GRP | Glass Reinforced Plastic |
BEP | Best Efficiency Point |
BFP | Boiler Feed Pump |
COC | Cycles of Concentration |
L/G | Liquid / Gas |
UV | Ultraviolent Light |
CRI | Color Rendering Index |
HID | High Intensity Discharge |
GLS | General Lighting service |
FTL | Fluorescent Tube Lamp |
BEMS | Building Energy Management System |
BPO | Business Process Outsourcing |
EPI | Energy Performance Index |
AAhEPI | Average Annual Hourly Energy Performance Index |
CFL | Compact Fluorescent Lamp |
LPSV | Low Pressure Sodium Vapor |
HPSV | High Pressure Sodium Vapor |
HPMV | High Pressure Mercury Vapor |
LED | Light Emitting Diode |
LLF | Light Loss Factor |
UF | Utilisation Factor |
SHR | Space to Height Ratio |
CI | Compressor Ignition |
WHR | Waste Heat Recovery |
ECBC | Energy Conservation Building Codes |
SHGC | Solar Heat Gain Coefficient |
VLT | Vissible Light Transmittance |
WWR | Window-Wall Ratio |
EA | Effective Aperture |
LPD | Lighting Power Density |
PC | Pulverised Coal |
CHP | Combined Heat and Power |
IC | Internal Combustion |
TSR | Theoretical Steam Rate |
ASR | Actual Steam Rate |
HPHE | Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger |
LMTD | Log Mean Temperature Difference |
PFD | Process Flow Diagram |
HV | High Voltage |
EHV | Extra High Voltage |
T&D | Transmission & Distribution |
HT | High Tension |
MD | Maximum Demand |
THD | Total Harmonic Distortion |
3T | Temperature, Turbulence and Time |
MCR | Maximum Continuous Rating |
IBR | Indian Boiler Regulation |
FBC | Fluidised Bed Combustion |
EA | Excess Air |
AAS | Actual Air Supplied |
TDS | Total Dissolved Solids |
PRV | Pressure Reducing Valve |
NPSH | Net Positive Suction Head |
NPSHA | Net Positive Suction Head Available |
NPSHR | Net Positive Suction Head Required |
SRB | Self-Recuperative Burners |
ETI | Economic Thickness of Insulation |
PCE | Pyrometric Cone Equivalent |
RUL | Refractories Under Load |
AFBC | Atmospheric Fluidised Bed Combustion System |
CFBC | Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustion System |
PFBC | Pressurized Fluidised Bed Combustion System |
VOC | Volatile Organic Compounds |
GWP | Global Warming Potential |
PFC | PerFluro Carbons |
UNFCC | United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
COP | Conference of Parties |
EITs | Economies In Transition |
OECD | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development |
CDM | Clean Development Mechanism |
JI | Joint Implementation |
CER | Certified Emission Reduction |
ERU | Emission Reduction Unit |
PIN | Project Idea Note |
DNA | Designated National Authority |
PDD | Project Design Document |
DOE | Designated Operational Entity |
MOEF | Ministry of Environments and Forests |
EB | Executive Board |
ODA | Official Development Assistance |
ICL | Incandescent Lamp |
TPA | Tripartite Agreement |
NRES | New and Renewable Energy Sources |
PV | Photo Voltaic |
GaAs | Gallium Arsenide |
CIS | Copper Indium Diselenide |
CdTe | Cadmium Telluride |
BIPV | Building-Integrated Photo Voltaic |
WECS | Wind Energy Conversion System |
CF | Capacity Factor |
DOB | De-Oiled Bran |
PQCDS | Productivity, Quality, Costs, Delivery, Safe Working Environment |
PDCA | Plan, Do, Check, Action |
SGA | Small Group Activities |
TPM | Total Productive Maintenance |
TQM | Total Quality Management |
DIS | Draft International Standards |
GHG | Greenhouse Gas |
NPV | Net Present Value |
ROI | Return on Investment |
IRR | Internal Rate of Return |
ESCOs | Energy Service Companies |
O&M | Operation & Maintenance |
EPC | Energy Performance Contract |
IGA | Investment Grade Audit |
EEM | Energy Efficient Measures |
PMV | Performance Measurement and Verification |
EOI | Expression of Interest |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
M&V | Monitoring & Verification |
PDC | Project Development Cycle |
WBS | Work Breakdown Structure |
AOA | Activity on Arrow |
AON | Activity on Node |
CPM | Critical Path Method |
PERT | Program Evaluation and Review Technique |
M&T | Monitoring & Targeting |
EAC | Energy Account Centers |
CUSUM | Cummulative Sum of Differences |
EMIS | Energy Management Information System |
ODS | Ozone Depleting Substances |
COS | Corbonyl Sulfide |
IOR | Improved Oil Recovery |
EOR | Enhanced Oil Recovery |
CBM | Coal Bed Methane |
GTL | Gas to Liquid |
BEE | Bureau of Energy Efficiency |
SDA | State Designated Agencies |
S&L | Standards and Labeling |
MEPS | Minimum Energy Performance Standards |
HVDS | High Voltage Direct Supply |
BLY | Bachat Lamp Yojana |
DC | Designated Consumer |
MTOE | Million Tonne of Oil Equivalent |
PPP | Purchasing Power Parity |
R/P | Reserved / Production |
toe | Tonne of Oil Equivalent |
MT | Million Tonnes |
BCM | Billion Cubic Metres |
MKwh | Million Kilo Watt Hour |
NELP | New Exploration Licensing Policy |
SEC | Specific Energy Consumption |
DAE | Department of Atomic Energy |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
OGL | Open General License |
FDI | Foreign Direct Investment |
AT & C | Aggregate Technical & Commercial |
APDRP | Accelerated Power Development & Reforms Programme |
ABT | Availability Based Tariffs |
CEA | Central Electricity Authority |
RPO | Renewable Purchase Obligation |
SERC | State Electricity Regulatory Commission |
RPS | Renewable Portfolio Standard |
GIS | Geographical Information System |
TTRC | Tradable Tax Rebate Certificate |
NAPCC | National Action Plan on Climate Change |
LNG | Liquified Natural Gas |
CNG | Compressed Natural Gas |
MNRE | Ministry of New and Renewable Energy |
EI | Energy Intensity |
FC | Final Consumption |
APM | Administered Pricing Mechanism |
MIS | Management Information System |
PC | Planning Commission |
DC | Directional Current |
AC | Alternating Current |
TOD | Time of Day |
RH | Relative Humidity |
BTU | British Thermal Unit |
ENCON | Energy Conservation |
LSHS | Low Sulphur Heavy Stock |
LDO | Light Diesel Oil |
LPG | Liquified Petroleum Gas |
PEP | Plant Energy Performance |
TPD | Tons per Day |
EPI | Energy Performance Indicators |
SMART | Specific, Measurable, Ambitious, Realistic, Time |
5S | Seiri, Seito, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke (Housekeeping, Workplace Organisation, Cleanup, Maintain Cleanliness and Discipline) |
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Abbreviations / Acronyms / Short forms used in the Energy Auditor / Energy Manager Examination conducted by BEE
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