Tuesday, January 4, 2011


EAC East African Community
ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States
ECS Electrical Control System
ECU Electronic Control Unit
ED Enforcement Directorate
EDC Effective Date of Contract
EE Emergency Exit
EET Exempt saving, Exempt interest, but Tax Withdrawls
EFI Electronic Fuel Injection
EFRT External Fixed Roof Tanks
EGR Exhaust gas recirculation
EGV Exit Guide Vane
EHC Environment Health Criterion
EIA Energy Information Administration
EIA Environment Impact Assessment
EIL Engineers India Limited
EIL Eastern Investments Limited
EITI Extracive Industry Transparency Initiative
ELCB Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
ELI Employees Liability Insurance
EMA European Medicines Agency
EMBO European Molecular Biology Organisation
EMD Earnest Money Deposit
EMI Electro Magnet Interface
EMI  Electro Magnetic Interface
EO Export Obligation
EOI Expression of Interest
EOQ Economic Order Quantity
EOT Electrical Overhead Travelling
EPCG Export Promotion Capital Goods
EPFO Employees Provident Fund Organisations
EPR Evolutionary Power Reactor
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
EPTP Effluent Pre Treatment Plant
ERC Electrical cable Road Crossing
ERM Extension, Renovation and Modernisation
ERS Emergency Release System
Escoms Electricity Supply Companies 
ESD Emergency Shutdown System
ESD Emergency ShutDown system
ESG Environment, Social & Governance
ETA Expected Time of Arrival
ETD Embedded Temperature Detector
ETD Electronic Theses and Dissertations
ETFE Ethylene TetraFluoro Ethylene
ETL Esison Testing Laboratories
ETP Effluent Treatment Plant
ETS Emissions Trading Scheme
EVOH Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol
EWG Exempt Wholesale Generators
EWS Engineering Work Station
EWS Economically Weaker Sections

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